A Prayer for 2020

Malachi 3:6: The Canadian Rockies-Photo by Mark J. Booth

Dear Heavenly Father,
I live in a world that is continuously changing, yet you do not change. My circumstances may vary, but you do not change. My health may change, but you do not change. My financial situation may change, but you do not change. The people in my life may come and go, but you do not change.

Thank you, Father, for giving me the privilege to call you, Father. Thank you for the blessings of the past year. I experienced your mercy every day. Your Word brought direction, comfort, and conviction throughout the previous year. You blessed me by using my family and many other people who showed love and kindness towards me. You gave me strength when I was weak. You gave me wisdom when I was confused. Above all, I thank you for your love that I didn’t deserve.

Father, as I look forward to the New Year, I realize that I am facing the great unknown, but my unknown future is known to you. For this reason, I commit this New Year to you. Please help me to keep my eyes focused upon you.

Please guide me in every decision that I make. Help me to love my family and all those that you bring into my life. Please give me the strength, patience, and wisdom to bear any trial that may come my way. Could you help me to draw closer to you each day? Increase my faith because I often walk by sight and not by faith.

Thank you, Father, for your ears that are always open to my prayers. Take my life and let it be devoted to you. I commit my ever-changing life to you because you are my unchanging Father. Amen.

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